The War Years
Photos from Foxley Camp through the War Years

Foxley Hall

First Canadian Huts built in front of Foxley Hall

Spr Robert Knowles with the Evans Family

The post office Mansel Lacy run by The Evans Family

Spr Dick Children and Betty Merrick married at St Michael and All Angels, Mansel Lacy

American troops on patrol

749th on patrol

American soldier taking a break at Foxley

Pontoon bridges at Foxley ready for transporting

Some of the 16th Tanks Destroyer Group, including Eugene Whitt (second from right) at Foxley Camp

US Hospitals built at Foxley Camp

Hospital Ward waiting for first casualties

Tom Glennon of 123rd General Hospital Unit

Casualties destined for Foxley Camp hospitals arrive at Moorhampton station

The Shop in Mansel Lacy Village